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Message from President

Introduction Message from President
A Healthy University Restoring True Education
Sahmyook Health University

Hello, I am Park Ju-hee, the 20th President of Samyook Health University.

I am grateful to God for leading me to the position of President of Samyook Health University, where I can practice servant leadership.

As the 20th President, I aim to operate Samyook Health University with the core value of "Healthy University" in university management. As a first step, I present the new vision of "Digital EDEN 2036".

Here, 2036 represents the year 2036, which marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of Samyook Health University. It signifies the future of our university.

True education should be holistic education and lifelong education. It means that the abilities of the mind, body, and spirit should develop in a balanced and harmonious manner throughout one's life.

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I will be a President who walks together.

I will strive to elevate the status of Samyook University of Health Sciences as a "Healthy University" by turning the 16 issues of value realization that the university pursues into first-class values. Thank you.



President of Samyook Health University
Ju-hee Park